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Graduation Day Ceremony 2023-24

Graduation Day Ceremony 2080 B.S. (2023-24) – Outstanding Results of Our Grade Ten Students

We proudly celebrated the graduation ceremony for our grade 10 students of the 2080 B.S. (2023-24) batch on  July 12 , 2024. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our graduates for their exceptional performance in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE). Their results were truly outstanding, reflecting their unwavering determination and dedication. We are delighted to announce that 9 students achieved an A+, 21 students achieved an A, 2 students achieved a B+, and 1 student achieved a B.

The ceremony was graced by the presence of many respected guests, including Khenpo Ngawang Jorden, Ph.D., Principal of the International Buddhist Academy; Dr. Mahashram Sharma, Chair of the National Education Board; and Mr. Bhuwan Lama, Chairperson of Boudha ward no. 6.

We started the event with prayers and the national anthem, followed by a warm welcome speech by our school Secretary, Mr. Ambir Tamang. The highlight of the ceremony was the distribution of results, certificates, and gifts to our graduates. Our senior students also performed a welcome cultural (Tibetan) dance. Our respected guests also delivered heartwarming and inspirational speeches.

Photo collage of Grade 6 students busy with their work duties.

Our students learn teamwork and life skills during the weekends

Thrangu Rinpoche wanted his students to learn life skills. Every Saturday, all of our Amalas, except for the two head Amalas, get a day off. On these Saturdays, our students take over their jobs. This initiative aims to help SMDers grow and develop life skills. SMDers are learning to work together and understand the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Each class takes turns, and in the photo, it was Grade 6’s turn. They washed dishes, swept, cut and washed vegetables, served the food, and mopped the floor in the dining hall.

Kids are happy after their art class in the school library.

Fogging for Mosquitoes Outside – and Fun in the Library

Our nyerpa (monk manager), Lopen Palden Tashi, arranged for the school compound to be fogged to prevent mosquitoes from hatching and to protect SMDers from dengue. Due to the fogging, the small children’s playpark was temporarily closed. In response, our Senior students kindly organized an engaging art project for the younger children. Tenzin Sangmo and Urgen Tsomo led the activity, ensuring the little ones had an enjoyable and productive time.

Saathi Project: SMD School and Inter-Community School Zurich

Gyaltsen Gurung (L) and Karma Tenjing (R)

Phurba Gyaltsen Gurung from Dolpo has started Grade 11 in the IB programme at Ullens School in Kathmandu. He joins Karma Tenjing Tamang from Dhading, who is now in Grade 12. The funding for this scholarship is provided by the Inter-Community School Zurich.

A Note from Shirley, Director

“The Seniors organized a heartfelt event for my 78th birthday. They gave me so many cards and wishes from all the kids in the school, filled with so much love. I felt very appreciated. They see what I do.

The plan for a tiny house fell through. My dear friends in Canada, who had offered to help, learned that their land is too small due to municipal regulations. Plan B was to get estimates for an addition to their house, but all the quotes came in at over a quarter of a million dollars, which is more than they can afford. As Rinpoche advised, I will “come and go.” I will continue to be out of Nepal part of the year, when dengue transmission is most prevalent.”

While our beloved Rinpoche was with us

He requested that all overseas goers write a letter, vowing not to break any laws pertaining to their visas while hosted in other countries. Starting this year, overseas goers must write a letter to Choje Lama Wangchuk Topden (Rinpoche’s regent) promising not to violate any immigration laws while abroad.

Note: Rinpoche also initially asked everyone to promise that they would return once their education was completed, but he lifted that requirement after the massive 2015 earthquakes, recognizing how much SMDers overseas were contributing to Nepal’s rebuilding efforts.

The global village helps scholarship winners

Four SMDers are going overseas this year. Ngima Sangmo Sherpa will go to UWCISAK in Japan, Tenzin Sangmo Lama to UWCRCN in Norway, Dorje Sherpa to Shawnigan Lake School on the West Coast of Canada, and Tsering Dolkar Tamang to St. Margaret’s School, also on Vancouver Island.

The visas for Norway and Japan arrived weeks ago, but we are still waiting for Canada. We filed online on March 24th. St. Margaret’s School and Shawnigan Lake School have advocated on our behalf, as has Alistair MacGregor, MP for Cowichan-Malahat-Langford. Leanne Finlayson, the Constituency Assistant, immediately began working on our kids’ files.

Letter of No Objection (NOC)

Nepalis who are going to study overseas must obtain a Letter of No Objection (NOC) from the Education Ministry bureaucrats; otherwise, they cannot leave the country. The NOC is necessary for the transfer of currency for tuition and other expenses. Our students do not take money out of Nepal; their schools abroad cover all costs, including flights and pocket money.

Education bureaucrats have been refusing NOCs to students below the undergraduate level, in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling issued four years ago. This year, the UWC National Committee filed a case, and Coordinator Dinesh Shrestha kindly included our two students going to Canada, who are not UWC students. Today, a Stay Order was issued, allowing students bound overseas to finish high school to obtain NOCs this year.

In case you missed it…

Pick up Books at our monastery in Vancouver: One of our sponsors donated a whole slew of books, carefully curated for SMDers. If you are in Vancouver and coming here, please stop by to pick up a few. The government of Nepal taxes all books published outside Nepal at 10%. We can no longer afford to have books sent to us.

Nepal Post Office is currently unable to process outgoing mail to different countries: While we understand the inconvenience this may cause, we want to assure you that all incoming mail services remain unaffected. The Nepal Post Office will continue to handle and deliver incoming mail from around the world without interruption. However, outgoing mail services to destinations outside of Nepal will be temporarily unavailable until further notice.

Here is the list of the country where outgoing mail is fine: Austria, Italy, United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, France, Netherlands, Spain, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, United States, Qatar, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, Maldives

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