Make a Donation or Sponsor a Child

SMD School is wholly funded by donors from two dozen countries around the world. It is thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters, that we’ve been able to provide free education to Himalayan children for nearly 40 years. Your donation, no matter how small or large, is urgently needed. You can help as follows: Sponsor a Student; or Make a Donation to SMD General Fund.

Please make a donation through one of the following international registered charities (in Canada, USA, Hong Kong, Europe, and the UK) that support SMD.

Namo Buddha Foundation
Public Fdn Reg. # 891225211 RR 0001
c/o Treasurer Betty Wong
PO Box 46898, Stn. D, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6J 5M4
NOTE: Namo Buddha Foundation uses the Canada Helps Foundation online donations platform – it is a secure platform from which you will receive an immediate charitable tax receipt via email. Canada Helps retains between 3.5 and 3.75% to cover the costs of their administration – the remainder is passed on directly to Namo Buddha Foundation. As Namo Buddha Foundation has several programs, please select that you wish your donation to be allocated to SMD programs.

If you send funds by cheque or e-transfer, SMD and the children in our care get 100%.

If you wish to donate by cheque directly to “Namo Buddha Foundation, please make your cheque payable to Namo Buddha Foundation and mail it to the address above with a note that you wish to support the SMD programs.

To make an e-transfer, please email Namo Buddha Foundation.

Student Sponsorship Rates (April 2024 – March 2025)

We started the academic year with 59 new children and some are already sponsored.

Click here to meet some of our kids who need sponsors >

  • A Boarding Student: 1320

  • A Day Student: 575

  • A School Monk: 480

  • A School Nun: 480

Please see the full list of FAQ’s here.

Urgently Needed & Wish List Items