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A Short Message from Shirley Blair –  Director and Fundraiser, SMD School

Tashi Delek from Vancouver Island. I will be away from Nepal for at least six months of the year from now on avoiding dengue as I had hemimorphic dengue years ago. It is risking life to stay. Shortly before Rinpoche got ill, we talked about it, and I asked for his instruction. Rinpoche answered, “Maybe you come and go”.

On the bright side, if I am in Canada for six months every year, I can qualify for Canadian medical. The school is in good hands. My heart is in SMD but my focus will be directed outwards, remembering Rinpoche’s direction to “Make the school as good a school as you can.” I will continue to fundraise and scour for opportunities.

Dear friends in Victoria have offered a safe landing – space to build a tiny house. I think I have enough saved from my Japan days to build a 350-square-foot house.

Wish me luck!