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SMD Girls on Tibet Soccer Team

SMD students, Lhakpa Bhuti and Tsewang Dolma, are at a football training camp in India right now with the Tibet Women’s Soccer team. In one week they fly to Vancouver to play in the Vancouver International Soccer Festival (VISF). They are super excited, and we have a feeling this trip will blow their minds!

The team was supposed to play at a tournament in Dallas, Texas, but they were denied tourist visas into the U.S.A.. So the Canadian Embassy in New Delhi, India stepped up to grant them travel visas to Vancouver where VISF will host them from June 30th to July 12th. 15 women make up the Tibet women’s soccer team. According to VISF, “this is the first Tibet women’s team of any sport to compete internationally.”

Read CBC’s Tibetan women’s soccer Team set to make international debut in Vancouver, and VISF’s full press release Tibet women’s soccer team to compete in the Vancouver International Soccer Festival.

For festival details and match schedule, visit the Vancouver International Soccer Festival website.

Tibet Women's Soccer Team Schedule

Tibet Women’s Soccer Team Schedule